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Spanish translation services: why they're booming

Why Spanish Translation Services are Booming

Spanish translation services are in demand both globally and in the United States. It’s easy to see why: Spanish is the fourth-most popular language in the world, with more than 500 million native speakers. It is also the official language of 40 countries and key international organizations.

Online, Spanish is the third-most used language for web content and is one of the top 10 languages utilized for mobile app localization. The United States is home to 41 million native Spanish speakers, and nearly 12 million people in America are bilingual in Spanish and another language. It comes as no surprise that Spanish is by far the most common second language taught in America’s public schools.

Even if you’re familiar with Spanish or know someone fluent in the language, the best way to guarantee a quality translation is to work with a professional Spanish translator.

Spanish is, therefore, one of the topmost languages sought from professional translation services. 

Common Documents Requiring Spanish Translation

A professional in Spanish language services can handle any type of document or project requiring translation to or from Spanish. However, some of the most common types of documents requiring Spanish translation include:

Of course, this list isn’t exhaustive. A professional in Spanish translation can help you whether or not your specific Spanish translation needs are featured above.

The Challenges of Translation

At first glance, the global population of Spanish speakers might seem like a benefit to anyone seeking Spanish translation services. With half a billion native speakers, as well as millions more who learn Spanish as a second language, it should be easy to find someone who can translate your documents into Spanish, right?

In reality, though, the global reach of the language can actually make accurate translation harder. The same type of Spanish is not spoken everywhere in the world: Mexico has its own dialect, and Spain speaks in a distinctive Castilian dialect. Subtle differences can also be found in the Caribbean, in the Andes Mountains region of South America, in Argentina’s Rioplatense dialect, and in other regions around the world.

On top of that, all of these regions have their own cultures, as well as social, political, and historical realities that can affect the connotations of Spanish words and phrases. Accurate Spanish translation must localize each converted document to the specific region where it is being delivered.

These linguistic nuances highlight the importance of hiring a Spanish translation professional to handle your projects. The accuracy and quality of your translation are at risk if you don’t.

The Value of Professional Services

Someone fluent in Spanish but not trained or certified as a translator can lack the required expertise and understanding of translation and localization to be able to translate your documents with accuracy and quality. As mentioned above, Spanish translations require a depth of linguistic knowledge and specific regional expertise that even fluent Spanish speakers may lack. For instance, a native speaker from Spain will not be able to translate into Spanish for a local Mexican audience with the precision required for most types of documentation.

A certified professional in Spanish language services can handle the complex challenges of translating these documents. This includes not just the linguistic conversion or the understanding of cultural contexts, but also the expertise required to grasp the meaning of words and phrases in highly specific contexts such as legal documents. A professional Spanish translation service will take the specific type of document into account when completing a project, and can bring in specific domain knowledge related to various style guides and international SEO, depending on your unique needs.

With more than 45 years of experience in the industry, Protranslating offers the industry’s best translation experts with vast experience translating to and from Spanish. Professional translation is the best way to ensure your message crosses the language barrier fully intact. Contact us today to learn more about our professional Spanish language services.

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