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COVID-19 lockdown: we have navigated worse storms than this

The year is 2020: the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted scientific research priorities worldwide, Brexit is underway, a national lockdown is in place, protests are erupting across half the western world and your entire team is working remotely from around the country. Given this uncertainty, you may be asking yourself: will your supply chain be there when the dust settles?

Dora Wirth (Languages) Ltd. knows a thing or two about weathering a crisis.

In fact, survival is built into the foundation of our company.

Our founder, Dora Wirth, was born in Russia on the eve of the Russian Civil War. At the counterrevolution in 1919 her family fled to Danzig, via Poland, where they lived until the late thirties.

Four years before war broke out again in Europe, Dora arrived in England in 1935 speaking Russian, French, German, Polish and English.

As a freelancer, Dora was asked by Lord Beaverbrook’s Daily Express Newspaper to monitor occasional speeches by Hitler and Stalin. After 1939 this became her full-time job.

After being widowed at the age of 43, Dora set up a translation agency called Eurolink Limited, which in 1962 would became Dora Wirth (Languages) Ltd. as it is known today.

Each decade since has brought its own challenges to UK businesses.

The 1970s saw a stagnating economy, an oil crisis and the decline of traditional British industries.

In the 1980s the UK moved from a manufacturing-driven economy to one of services, which led to reductions in company earnings and huge rises in unemployment.

We witnessed economic crises again in the 1990s and most recently in 2008 with the latter producing the deepest recession in the UK since WW2.

Another potentially deep recession now looms as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown, and many companies are looking carefully at the resilience of their supply chains.

Language service providers may be tempted, during these times, to try to spread the company focus across new verticals in the hope of securing easier business.

However, in our experience it is specialisation, depth of knowledge and a dedication to providing a quality service that have sustained us year on year, and will continue to do so well into the future whether or not our country is plunged into recession following a national lockdown.

It is 58 years after Dora founded Dora Wirth (Languages) Ltd., and our company is poised to record a year of growth thanks to focussing on what we know best:

  • Translations for the Life Sciences
  • Investment in the appropriate technology
  • Active recruitment of top linguistic talent
  • Key account managers who go the extra mile for our loyal customers.



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