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Localization and Certifications for Translation and Interpretation Companies

As a healthcare provider or insurance company, you are likely to support the needs of customers with limited proficiency in English. You’ll need a translation and interpretation company in order to gather information necessary to providing quality care. Sharing your patient’s information with just anyone may be a violation of privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which is a federal regulation aimed at protecting patients’ sensitive medical information.

Certifications via the Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) are one way that language services providers reassure clients in the healthcare field that they maintain such thorough data protection that they won’t fall victim to a data breach – even when handling sensitive healthcare-related information, Certifications in HITRUST, a program connected to HIPAA regulation, help ISI Language Solutions ensure that your customers’ data is always secure during the translation process.

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA set guidelines in place for healthcare professionals to follow. Their intent is to protect the healthcare records transmitted digitally by healthcare providers and insurance companies.

What is HIPAA Compliance?

Being HIPAA compliant means not sharing protected health information (PHI) unnecessarily. It’s a commitment to a set of standards aimed at sensitive patient data protection.

With the growing possibility that a company’s data could be unwillingly taken through hacking or other breaches, HITRUST is critically important. HIPAA involves a good faith effort and an attempt to do what you can to secure information, but HITRUST is a proactive step to protect the things that HIPAA originally intended to be secured.

What is HITRUST?

HITRUST maintains the Common Security Framework or CSF. This organization stays at the cutting edge of regulatory security, helping companies proactively protect their data rather than simply avoiding actively sharing it. HITRUST is bigger than HIPAA, working to do comprehensive data protection rather than just meet the standards set forth in HIPAA.

What is HITRUST Compliance?

Gaining HITRUST compliance involves security inspections that determine whether your company is vulnerable to cyber-attacks that could result in a data breach. Think of HITRUST as the group that keeps up to date on what kinds of protections are necessary in order to maintain data security for organizations who want to be HIPAA compliant. HITRUST is a chance to ensure that your commitment to HIPAA can be met. No one asks for a data breach but experiencing one can have a tremendous impact on your customers’ trust in your organization.

When it comes to language services you need a partner that understands how important it is to correctly protect sensitive data and maintain regulatory compliance. ISI Language Solutions pursued HITRUST certification to show that it maintains the highest standards for managing information security risk. Contact us today to discuss your needs for HIPAA- and HITRUST-compliant translations and interpretations.



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