Large print & Braille

When translation is more than meets the eye

Need easy-to-read documents for the visually impaired or blind? We’ll help analyze your needs and pair you with accessibility engineers ready to help you maximize readability

We are adept at preparing easy-to-read documents for the visually impaired or blind. Following an analysis of client needs, our accessibility engineers either convert documents into Braille Ready Format or reformat them into large print. Notably, our large print process goes well beyond simply increasing font size: all elements of a document including the layout, headers, font, shading, and style must be adjusted to maximize readability and flow for the visually impaired.

Speak with an expert about your​ Large print & Braille needs today!

Here to serve your specific needs:

Prompt and effective support designed to save you time and money.
Customized billing and reporting through our secure client portal.
ADA-compliant solutions, from subtitling to large print, braille, ASL, and more.

End-to-end capabilities

BIG Language Solutions expertly navigates the complex nature of language services for our customers so they can achieve global success. Through our portfolio, we customize and deliver language services in more than 300 languages and dialects. Whatever your language requirements, BIG gets it right from the start while ensuring a seamless user experience. We connect your brand with a global audience, by crafting the right cultural fit for your brand’s voice — delivering your peace of mind solution, no matter your language needs.

Large print & Braille
When translation is more than meets the eye
Subtitling Services (ADA)
Meet the Needs of All Audiences With Solutions Tailored for ADA Compliance
American Sign Language
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation Services Appropriate to Your Industry
Subtitling Services (ADA)
Meet the Needs of All Audiences With Solutions Tailored for ADA Compliance

Industries we serve

BIG’s group of companies are experts in providing secure translation services in regulated, highly technical, and non-regulated sectors. The bottom line for BIG is that no matter your industry, we speak your customer’s language. We empower our clients no matter their industry by removing language and other barriers, so you can get to business. Period. We help you reach your audience wherever they are, however they need, and in the language(s) needed.

Speak with an expert about your​ Large print & Braille needs today!