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Planning Ahead: Why You Should Proactively Engage with a Language Service Provider

As a language service provider, ISI Language Solutions often hears from companies reacting to a language barrier situation for the first time. Sometimes they are unfamiliar with the different solutions available or what terminology to use. Others simply didn’t put a solution in place because the possibility of facing a language barrier seemed unlikely.

Taking a proactive approach to things in business (and in life) typically produces superior results compared to a reactive model. Even if learning about or setting up language services seems like a low priority, allow us to share several reasons why setting up an exploratory call with a language service provider (LSP) like ISI Language Solutions should be done sooner rather than later.

1. Unexpected Inquiries.

Whether fielding an inquiry from a potential or existing non-English speaking customer, having an on-demand over-the-phone interpreting solution can be a low-cost tool for every company to have in their back pocket. With connection to an interpreter in seconds and availability in more than 200 languages, this is an excellent resource for sales and customer service call center operations. You never know when a language barrier might arise, and it is better to be prepared for that unexpected call than to risk losing a potential opportunity.

2. Engagement with Additional Markets.

Almost everyone is looking to enhance sales to combat the losses suffered throughout the past year. Translating your website, videos and collateral into other languages can help you tap into new markets – even here in the U.S. Research shows that 9 out of 10 global users will ignore your product or service if it’s not sold in their native language. Working with the correct Language Service Provider will promote brand loyalty with your target non-English speaking markets, who represent $3.6 trillion in purchasing power, by the way.

3. It Will Make You Sound Smart to Potential Clients.

If you’re engaging with a prospective client and they ask about your language support, even a simple conversation ahead of time with a language service provider can help you sound like a pro in front of your potential new customer. With such a global economy in 2020, language access is bound to come up no matter your product or service. Having advance knowledge of key terminology, available solutions and estimated pricing will help you succeed in front of your prospect – even when the need is unexpected.

4. It’s Free.

It doesn’t cost anything but a little bit of time to have an exploratory call with a language service provider. At ISI, you only incur costs for services incurred. We don’t charge a monthly fee or require any start-up costs in order to do business. You could set up over-the-phone interpreting today for no cost and have an amazing low-cost resource available to your sales and customer service teams to use anytime an unexpected language barrier arises.

If you’re interested in learning more about language support for your organization and would like to set up an exploratory call with ISI, please contact us.



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